Native Wildflower Mix
Gaillardia aristata (blanket flower); Ratibida columnifera (Mexican hat coneflower); Echinacea purpurea; Rudbeckia hirta (Black-eyed Susan)
See this link for wildflower planting instructions:
Plant Wildflowers
Seed saving: Simply collect seeds from Blanket flower and Mexican hat coneflower once dry on the plant. For Echinacea cut off flower heads once they have gone to seed and place into a bucket. Lightly stomp on the heads to remove seeds from the prickly dried flower. Use your breath to lightly blow away the chaff. For Black-eyed Susans, remove seed heads once dry and place in a paper bag. Then tap the bag against your hand until the small seeds are released from the flower head. Use a fine mesh screen to winnow the seeds.
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