Tarahumara Corn
Eruca sativa
A beautiful corn with as many as 13 different kernel colors, including an occasional chin mark ear. Green, red, and purple stalks, pollen, and husks! 2-3 ears per stalk, varying from five to seven inches. Gorgeous plants grow to 5 feet and every ear and plant are different! Originally from the Tarahumara people of northern Mexico.
Culture: Plant the seeds 1 inch deep ini rows or clumps two weeks after the last frost date. Corn needs rich soil, full sun and adequate moisture to produce good ears. Water deeply.
Seed Saving: Corn is wind pollinated; therefore if you want to save the seeds you will need to either stagger the planting time of different varieties, plant them 3 miles apart, or hand pollinate with a bagging technique. (You may see “Seed to Seed” by Susan Ashworth or contact: Constance.) I have found that in Boulder this variety corns which tassel to early. To save the seed leave the corn on stalks until they are completely dry. Then you will need to hull the corn from all the plants grown. Mix in a bucket to get good diversity.
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