Virginia Smoking Tobacco
Nicotiana Tobacum
A mild and delicious smoking tobacco and a beautiful decorative plant. Huge leaves grow to two and a half feet, flowers numerous and pink to white, loved by bees and other pollinators. Leaves can be made into a natural insecticide for use in the garden and the plant has very few pests. Easy to grow.
Culture: Sprinkle tiny seeds on the surface of the soil after all danger of frost has passed. Thin to one plant every 18 inches. Provide plenty of nitrogen in the form of composted organic manure! Harvest leaves when they grow to the desired size and hang to cure in a dark place with high humidity and some airflow.
Seed saving: Allow seeds to mature in pods on the plant. Pick whole pods into a paper bag. Seeds are extremely tiny and extremely numerous. Save from 8-10 plants minimum for preservation of robust genetics. Share freely with your friends!
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